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Recovery I: (2014-2015)

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Recovery I is a compilation of 71 tracks from the original masters of Red vs. Blue Seasons 12 and 13 Original Soundtracks, which were removed following Rooster Teeth's closure in 2024.

Click a song from this album's track list for more info, lyrics, credits, and a YouTube link.

01 Relay (Intro)
02 Chorus
03 Loom
04 Radio Check
05 Finger Pushups
06 Reconnoiterish
07 Hit and Run
08 Colony Ride for Sale, Cheap
09 Control
10 Schemer
11 Bad Memories
13 Soul Clef XI (Redux)
14 Vanessa
15 Taco Night
16 Saltine
17 Manticore Blues
18 Crossfire Rag
19 Blue Leader
20 July
21 New Horizon
22 Soul Clef XI
23 Link
24 All or Nothing
25 Pregame 18
26 Prancing Bull
27 Relay (Epistolary)
28 Half Life
29 Funny Farm
30 Chorus (Demo)
31 MGE
32 Half Life (Instrumental)
33 Contact
34 Drift (feat. Orville Johnson)
35 Faraday (feat. David Levy)
36 Contact Redux (feat. Meredith Hagan)
37 People Person
38 Recruitment
39 Absolute Control
40 Remnants
41 Motivations
42 Temple
43 Gateway
44 Ancient Gifts
45 Hello Again
46 (Always) A Trap
47 The Summit
48 Soldiers and Killers
49 The Second Sword
50 Overlook (feat. Orville Johnson)
51 Reconcilable Differences
52 Chorus (Exit)
53 Round 2
54 Armory
55 Rematch
56 Bullet Train
57 Over
58 In Spite of Fear
59 What We Fight For (Half Life)
60 Unified
61 Showdown
62 Fatum Iustum Stultorum I
63 Fatum Iustum Stultorum II
64 Ex Ill Focus
65 Prelude for Losers?
66 Partners
67 Dear Everyone
68 Reparation
69 Prelude to Victory?
70 Contact (Final Transmission)
71 Armonia (feat. Orville Johnson)