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Bloody Mary Mix
Roses are red, and violets are blue
Bloody Mary Mix

This song is from the album You Were There.

Nico: the beginning of this one dates all the way back to RvB season 2, when I went to Jeff's studio and we made a remix of Blood Gulch Blues for the opening credits. We both added some parts to the original, playing the Moog Opus 3, and Jeff put down some Kurzweil K2661 parts as well, and we added some synthetic drums. We called it the Bloody Mix, and while it is a cool song, it never felt finished enough to be released as is.

For this album, I put together some parts I'd always wanted to add, which included some strings from Christine Wu, some additional Wurlitzer parts, and a sloppy Telecaster part I recorded one night when I was quite inebriated. I shipped the whole thing off to Steve who tracked some fresh drums and produced the track.


Nico Audy-Rowland: Danelectro baritone guitar, Fender Telecaster Deluxe, Nylon string guitar, Moog Opus 3, Moog Taurus I, Vocals
Violet Heart: Moog Opus 3, Wurlitzer EP200
Steve Scully: Drums
Jeff Williams: Kurzweil K2661, Moog Opus 3
Wendy Mittelstadt: Kurzweil K2600, Vocals