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Blood Gulch Blues (Bloody Mix)
Roses are red
And violets are blue.
One day we'll cruise down
Blood Gulch avenue
It's red versus red
and blue versus blue
It's I against I
and me against you

Violets are blue, roses are red
Living like this we were already dead

Hop in my car
It don't have any doors
It's built like a cat
It lands on all fours
My car's like a puma
It drives on all fours

Red versus red
Blue versus blue
Blood Gulch Blues (Bloody Mix)

This song is from the album You Were There.

Nico: this one dates back to Red vs. Blue Season 2, when I went to Jeff's studio and we made a remix of Blood Gulch Blues for the opening credits. We added some parts to the original, playing the Moog Opus 3, and Jeff put down some Kurzweil K2661 parts as well, and we added some synthetic drums.

In a fit of creative debauchery, shifting paradigms, and thinking outside of the box, we decided to call it the Bloody Mix; it never felt finished enough to be released, but here it is, warts and all.